Eclipses afford an opportunity for magic and personal transformation.
Did you know that eclipses usually happen in pairs a couple of times a year. On the new Moon (when the Sun and Moon are together) and then two weeks later around the full Moon (when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other).
In Vedic Astrology, the place in space where an eclipse can happen also has a great significance.
Consider, when the light of the Sun (representing the Soul) or the light of the Moon (representing your mental/emotional being) is veiled, blocked, shadowed… well, that is a pretty big deal. The points marking this axis are called Rahu and Ketu and are subtle indicators of unconscious or subconscious potentials (for good or bad) depending on the individual state of consciousness.
Learn more about Ketu and Rahu ➤
Such transitional windows as eclipses (and also sunrise, sunset, equinoxes, solstices etc) are transformational vortexes which we can access when we meet them with awareness.
We can use the timing of an eclipse to dive into these deeper opportunities of karmic healing (habitual tendencies) and move beyond expired behaviours, negative emotions and lower thought patterns.
My Personal Eclipse Practice!
Over 12 years ago our Teachers Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi first taught us about eclipse magic through teachings and inspirations while on retreat.
And once I discovered these teachings in Shambhaviji’s book I was “all in” and have been practising Eclipse Sadhana ever since.
Step #1 • Eclipse Timing at Your Location
For years we have used as our go-to source for eclipse timing. This site shares all the details needed to determine when the “heart of the eclipse” happens in your area.
Save the date and clear some time in your schedule during the eclipse. I usually set aside an hour for Eclipse Sadhana (practice). Starting 30 minutes before the Maximum Eclipse Time and continuing until 30 minutes afterwards is what I consider the “heart of the eclipse”.
Eclipses are not so concerned about our human schedules and so may happen during inconvenient times. I particularly appreciate eclipse practices that challenge me to prioritize over an hour of sleep or make the effort to re-arrange my daily schedule. Flexibility, perseverance, discipline and adaptability are cultivated in this way. It has been my experience that sincerity of effort has meaningful benefits.
Step #2 • Set an Intention
During an eclipse I will practice affirmations, prayers, meditate and energize mantras (japa – mantra repetition). During this time when the light of “individual” is momentary veiled, opportunity to access the Universal behind the many is available.
In the days approaching the eclipse, watch and listen for signs and inner whispering about what to set as your intention.
Seeking an Ayurvedic Astrological Consultation with a trusted source is also a great way to receive some guidance about mantra practice during the eclipse to support your health and wellness goals.
Step #3 • Remember Eclipse Come in Twins (and sometimes Triplets)
Finally, it has been my experience that the days between eclipses is not “ordinary” time. I find it especially meaningful to be somewhat internalized during this time and not try to “make things happen” within the worldly affairs of mundane life.
Get the details for upcoming eclipses ➤
Experiment with your own experiences and over time the higher wisdom of Rahu and Ketu will awaken through your personal eclipse practices…