3 Ayurvedic Herbs To Ease Digestive Woes

If you have ever suffered with digestive struggles or chronic bloating, then you can understand the often debilitating frustration and irritation that arises with each meal as you either suffer with hours of discomfort or you find yourself skipping meals to avoid the pain of nausea, bloating and cramps. Over many years of working with […]
Shaking: Your 5 Minute Energy Make-Over

Are you ready to improve your energy in just 5 minutes! Want To Harmonize Your Energy? In this non-stop busy world, how can you overcome the everyday strain that zaps your energy, keeps you running around and high-jacks your emotional resilience? And the last thing you need is another thing to add to your to-do […]
How the Healing Power of Mantra helped Yogesh after his face hit the asphalt!

What was the first thing Yogesh did after he went flying over the handlebars? Well, unfortunately it was to smash his face into the ground and then crash-roll for a bit, breaking his elbow! But, you may be surprised by what came next…. The Vibrational Medicine of Mantra Many years before, our teachers had taught […]
Donald Trump, Winnie the Pooh and Yoda Walk into a Bar…

Seriously, that’s all the joke needs isn’t it? Well, that and just a tiny little bit of your imagination. Can you just picture it? Take a moment…. (Else, feel free to take a peak below.) Can you hear Pooh, wondering if they have more honey behind the counter. Contemplating if he should try his first […]
Menstrual Support through Ayurvedic Herbals

“We were cursed! We just aren’t the lucky ones!” my aunt once told me when she was talking about painful menstruation and how it runs in our family. I remember looking at her through my twelve year old eyes frozen by what seemed to be an absolute truth. Welcome to Womanhood! Ever since I started […]
Ayurveda: Taking the Strain Out of Packed-Lunches

Sometimes, it seems things that should be easy become somewhat tricky business. Like packed-lunches…. Well, there are a lot of balls to juggle here. Ideally, we’d love for the lunch to be easy and convenient to prepare, delicious and satisfying to eat while also being nutritious. The hallelujah lunch….. And whether we’re talking about packing for yourself, […]
One-Minute Tree Pose: Gain the Power of Strength & Stability

Yoga can help with Balance and Emotional Immunity! Modern day yoga has embraced the belief that yoga poses should be done one after another in a class lead by a teacher…… But, that is not the traditional way of Yoga! And when we apply Yoga Asana (poses) therapeutically, rather than as a group experience of […]
Unplugging your Period!

Every month when my period would arrive I would cringe with despair. I felt embarrassed! I used to only use the upstairs bathroom of my family’s two-story house. I had to be as far away from any other person so I could to do my best to quietly open the cupboard and unwrap a pad […]
Ayurvedic Weight Loss Tips that REALLY WORK!

Do the rules around what you can and cannot eat make your head spin?Is your happiness tied into the numbers on your scale?Do you beat yourself up if you don’t get your daily exercise or run in? I think we all know that trying to live up to the weight loss industry propaganda is simply […]

We get asked that a lot! You may have seen this word Ayurveda used on food labels, to describe a type of massage or therapy, or perhaps relating to a type of herbal supplement. The term is used to give an indication of integrity, intending to suggest that the product has greater health benefit or is more […]