Close your eyes and imagine this…
Walking up a garden path as the gentle summer sun warms you!
The day is clear and a gentle breeze moves the blades of grass around your feet.
You are lured forward to the garden by the gentle hum of bees as you catch the scent of something sweet, floral and fresh!
And you wonder, what marvellous delights will you find ahead…
Sound enticing?
Discover Your Local Lavender Farm
We’re sure you’ll find delight in a Lavender Farm Pilgrimage this season!
And as lavender grows throughout the world, you’ll likely have no trouble finding a farm fairly close to home. It makes for a lovely morning or afternoon in the country and is a delightful experience for the whole family #packapicnic #takethekiddos
A visit in late spring will showcase lavender’s shrubbery becoming lush with leaves and tightly closed buds atop elongating stems. The leaves carry a hint of the aromatic wonderment to emerge shortly.
In early summer, visitors begin to flock to the farm and the harvesting frenzy begins. And while you’ll find the farm is much busier than was during your spring visit, new delights will abound! The leaves you admired during the spring carry fragrance and medical qualities, but it’s the buds of the lavender plant that possess the most beautiful and alluring colour, scent and magic!

Lavender Calms, Soothes and Purifies
Did you know that the word lavender is from the Latin word “lavare”, meaning “to wash”?
I’ve not always been drawn to the scent of lavender and so learning some of its background or “lore” has given me a new appreciation for it, which has dramatically changed my personal experience.
Herb Club Alumni access your lavender library here ➤
Lavender engages all the senses!
Whether I’m using dried lavender buds, an essential oil or even looking at a picture of a lavender farm (like the beauty we’ve featured here) I can bring to mind the cleansing, harmonizing sound of the breeze through the field. Its gentle sweeping energy clears things out. Its pervasive scent, calms and soothes. Through my personal connection with lavender, I can even access its therapeutic qualities just by imagining it.
Give it a try ????
Learn more about “Using an Herb without the Herb” in our article: Making Friends with Herbs ➤
Planning Your Lavender Farm Visit
In southwestern Ontario, Canada, late June is showtime for lavender and you’ll shortly realize what all the fuss is about!
Here are our top 3 tips to making the most of your visit;
1) Get an early start!
Not only do you have a better chance of beating the crowd, you’ll also experience the joy of the field awakening to the new day. HINT: Sunrise is even better, if the farm will let you in that early!
2) Pack a blanket!
While it’s lovely to stroll around the farm, it’s quite magical to sit between the rows and at eye level with the bushes. Picnic tables are nice, but the effect isn’t quite the same.
3) Explore the artisanal delights
Many lavender farms will also showcase an assortment of lavender delights. See how your relationship with lavender blossoms as you learn about new ways to use it! HINT: We try to wrap up a visit to our local lavender farm with a little lavender ice cream…..
Lavender Farm Visits are a Wonderful Family Tradition!
A visit to a Lavender Farm is delightful any time of the season. We can experience the benefits of lavender’s sweet, calm and clean nature being in the space in which it thrives.
What better way to connect with her than where she is tended with kindness, love, reverence and joy.