How the Healing Power of Mantra helped Yogesh after his face hit the asphalt!


Well, unfortunately it was to smash his face into the ground and then crash-roll for a bit, breaking his elbow!

But, you may be surprised by what came next….

Many years before, our teachers had taught us a particular mantra for healing. The subtle vibration of this mantra increases the power of Prana and cultivates a strength of calm and energy. And after realizing he had been in a biking accident, this was the first thing that Yogesh did, be began to think the mantra.

Now keep in mind, anything you think is a mantra. All thoughts are a play of subtle vibrations.

Ayurvedic healing shares how some habitual thoughts are cold and contracting energies of fear and anxiety, some thoughts are agitating, stimulating frustrations, worries and judgements and others thoughts are heavy and depressing boulders. The particular thought or mantra, that Yogesh began, carried the healing vibration of strength, calm and increased Prana.

Healing Power of Mantra display
  • Yogesh’s trust in the mantra gave him a focus for his mind and an increased capacity to deal with the pain. Other than the local anesthetic they used when stitching up his nose, he took no pain medication as a result of this incident.
  • The calming effect of the mantra allowed him to maintain his composure and not panic. Being calm helped reduced the amount of blood loss. At the hospital they were amazed with his lack of elevated blood pressure.
  • The increased Prana (life-force energy) derived from the mantra supported the healing process. Throughout the recovery for his broken elbow, the doctors were surprised at the speed of Yogesh’s recovery. And to this day (11 years later) Yogesh has no lingering symptoms or side-effects from the accident (other than a cute little scar on his nose).

The practice of mantra is a consistent study and training of meaningful, positive thought.

And through his established, disciplined practice of mantra, Yogesh was able to immediately settle into higher vibrations of alert meditation during a painful situation.

In a similar circumstances, what would your first thought have been….?

Not only is mantra easy and convenient to apply, cost-effective to practice, and non-denominational, but as a subtle vibrational medicine it has a depth of applications that can support and uphold all aspects of life.

If you water the roots, it will benefit all parts of the tree!

And you don’t have to wait for an accident to see the results. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often experience situations where our blood pressure rises, our focus is challenged and we suffer with pain. And we’ve all had days, where it can seem like you’ve just been dashed upon the concrete.

Be mindful of the thoughts you choose and see what benefits you experience in everyday life!

Mantra Healing Power

We love the book Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound by our teacher Dr. David Frawley for a practical and informative study of Mantra that is clear and easy to understand.

To truly benefit from any practice, it is imperative to have consistency and dedication.

When working with a mantra it can take years to energize the vibrational power within your being. Patience and persistence of practice, even for just a few minutes each day, adds up meaningfully over time.

Spending time on Retreats to practice Mantra with experienced teachers and like-minded community is a valuable way to stay inspired and motivated with your practice.

Ayurveda Fundamentals
Learn how easily plant energetics support natural wellness for fall and winter?

Over tea and cookies, we’ll taste, discuss, and explore the healing qualities of ginger, cinnamon and cardamom in cooking and simple home remedies.

Sunday October 6 · 1-3pm 


Learn an easy meditation practice.
Along with tips, strategies and trouble-shooting tips to help you establish a consistent routine to experience maximum benefits.