Why my best creative IDEAS come in the shower!

Some of my best, most creative, mind-blowing ideas come to me in the shower… In the midst of the peace and quiet of my sudsy and warm reprieve I’d have a sudden stroke of genius. I’d leave the shower inspired and ready to start my day! And then, here is what would happen next… I’d […]

Me and My Diya

This little light of mine…. I have a confession to make (sorry dear husband)… I am having a beautiful and profound relationshipwith my Diya. A Diya is an Indian oil lamp that is lit whenever I am home. To me, it is the representation of both the inner and outer flame of enlightenment. By consciously […]

The Benefits of Taking a Deep Breath

We could all use a pause throughout the day. Taking a few mindful deep breaths is simply doing just that… pressing pause! Whether we need to feel calm and grounded, to feel connected or to simply refresh our mindset taking a few deep breaths will surely benefit you. Taking a deep breath will hep to slow down the overthinking mind, increase mind-body connection and refresh the senses onto […]

Reflections on Pilgrimage

“Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun,and a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean,we can’t separate ourselves from one another.We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.”~ Marianne Williamson In January 2020 I journeyed on an amazing Yoga pilgrimage to India.  For 14 glorious days with 7 […]

Lassi: The Digestive Benefits of Yogurt for Malabsorption

Did you know that homemade yogurt has been a natural, cost-effective, protein-rich and calcium building probiotic for thousands of years?  Ayurveda shares that the power of digestion (Agni) rests first and foremost in the small intestine and it’s supporting organs (liver, spleen, gallbladder). Today, we are seeing an epidemic of imbalanced Agni or intestinal “malabsorption” […]

Why Herbs Work: A Glossary of Herbal Therapeutics

The study of Herbal Therapeutics is integral to a meaningful practice of Ayurvedic Healing. We often think of herbs while we are in our kitchen. And though there is no doubt that herbs enhance the flavours of our food, they are also profoundly nourishing and healing. Herbs are steeped in lore and have long played a […]

Making Friends with Herbs

Once, during a car ride to school, our 3 1/2 year old son complained of an upset tummy.  School was brand new for him, and we suspected a bit of nerves as the cause.  Usually, we would offer him a bit of fennel to chew for such a complaint.  Through our Ayurveda herbal study, we […]

Your Dhatus: A Foundation of Immunity!

Everyday we are bombarded with news of the latest diets and supplements that promise greater health. It can start to feel that if you’re not taking a pill and special oils or cutting certain foods from your diet that your health may be at risk – or at least less than optimal.  This seems quite […]

Making Simple Herbal Infusions

The Earth is mostly water.  And our profound connection with and dependence on Mother Earth is mirrored in our body which is also mostly water. Water is the field of nourishment, receptivity, love and delight! And through water, we can easily benefit from the magical healing and nourishing qualities of herbal medicine with the practice […]

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Dandelion!

It’s early spring and the dandelions are everywhere! On my walk today, I spotted their familiar jagged leaves, their folded green sepals and even their brilliant yellow flowers facing up to the sun. Delightful to children and antagonizing to adults, dandelion is actually a natural healing wonder. Dandelion is Nature’s Abundant Detox Dandelion leaves are […]

Ayurveda Fundamentals
Learn how easily plant energetics support natural wellness for fall and winter?

Over tea and cookies, we’ll taste, discuss, and explore the healing qualities of ginger, cinnamon and cardamom in cooking and simple home remedies.

Sunday October 6 · 1-3pm 


Learn an easy meditation practice.
Along with tips, strategies and trouble-shooting tips to help you establish a consistent routine to experience maximum benefits.