with Dr. David Frawley & Yogini Shambhavi
Join us on Retreat with Dr. David Frawley & Yogini Shambhavi for practical experience of authentic Yoga, Ayurveda, Mantra, Meditation, Vedic Astrology and Shakti Sadhana
Secrets of Mantra Yoga
with Dr. David Frawley & Yogini Shambhavi
May 24-26, 2024

Secrets of Mantra Yoga with Dr. David Frawley & Yogini Shambhavi
Study live and in-person with renowned teachers on the subtle aspects of Primordial Sound in Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotisha and Shakti Sadhana.
Experience an enchanting weekend of self-discovery and transformation through Mantra Practice.
This captivating event will inspire and uplift your mind, body, and soul through the power of sound and the ancient Vedic wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotisha and Shakti Sadhana. Registration includes access to the video recordings of all the live sessions.

Study Mantra Yoga with Experienced Teachers

Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi will share their wisdom and insights born from decades of experience, helping you understand the deeper meanings of Mantras, and how they can positively impact your life.
Gain valuable live instruction on Mantra meaning, pronunciation and the subtle secret teachings that inspire and motivate an effective practice.
Mantra Sadhana (practice) has the potential to uplift your spirit, remove energetic blockages, and align your mind, body, and soul in harmony.
INVESTMENT: $1,295+hst · includes 3 days of in-person classes, Ayurvedic vegetarian lunch, video recordings plus bonus articles and practices from Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi to support your Mantra Sadhana.

Friday May 24 - Sunday May 26
Schedule for Secrets of Mantra Yoga
9:00-10:00am – Mantra, Meditation & Pranayama with Yogesh Van Acker
10:15am-12:15pm – Live Session with Dr. David Frawley
12:15pm – Ayurvedic Vegetarian Lunch
2:00-4:00pm – Live Session with Yogini Shambhavi
Mantra Yoga facilitates a powerful vibrational energy within yourself and the space around you.
TOPICS Friday May 24
10:15am-12:15pm with Dr. David Frawley
Accessing the Transformational Power of Mantra Sadhana
2:00-4:00pm with Yogini Shambhavi
Mantra Yoga from the Heart
TOPICS Saturday May 25
10:15am-12:15pm with Dr. David Frawley
Paths of Mantra Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti and Karma)
2:00-4:00pm with Yogini Shambhavi
Mantra Yoga and the Mother Goddess (Understanding Yoga Shakti Bijas)
TOPICS Sunday May 26
10:15am-12:15pm with Dr. David Frawley
Ayurvedic Psychology and Mantra Practice
2:00-4:00pm with Yogini Shambhavi
Jyotisha Mantras to Propitiate the Planets


About Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri)
Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) sees his role as a “Vedic educator” helping to revive Vedic knowledge in an interdisciplinary approach for the planetary age. He regards himself as a translator to help empower people to use Vedic systems including Yoga-Vedanta, Mantra, Ayurveda and Jyotisha to aid in their greater Self-realization. He is founder and director of The American Institute of Vedic Studies.
About Yogini Shambhavi
Yogini Shambhavi is one of the most important women gurus coming out of India today and holds many sacred traditions of the Himalayas. She is most noted for her Mantra Shakti. Shambhavi is one of the few astrologers who understands the secrets of astrological mantras and how to use them to optimize our karma. She is the co-director of The American Institute of Vedic Studies.
About Shankari & Yogesh Van Acker
Yogesh and Shankari have been studying with Vamadevaji (Dr. David Frawley) and Shambhaviji for over 15 years. Mantra practice was their first experience of Yoga. Together they direct AT THE CORE Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation in London, ON Canada where they share classes, courses, coaching and treatments of healing through Self-Awareness and the Vedic Sciences.

An Immersion of Vedic Wisdom through Mantra Yoga
Learn how Mantra can be incorporated as part of your daily routine to support health, balance, and spiritual growth.

Learn how to approach your Mantra practice with reverence and an open heart, allowing it to guide you into a place beyond the surface mind. Experience a state of stillness and connection with your Divine Self.
Immerse yourself in the heart awakening melody of Sanskrit mantras.
Each mantra holds profound meaning and purposes, allowing you to explore different aspects of yourself and awaken your inner power.

Mantra is a meaningful addition to your daily Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation practice to calm your mind and harmonize your energy.
The clarity and focused attention that unfolds through Mantra Sadhana helps to focus attention, and create a conducive atmosphere for deeper inner exploration.
You’ll explore new levels of self-awareness, awakening your true potential and inspiring transformative growth.

The practice of mantra is one of the safest, surest and more efficient ways of harmonizing your karmas to experience powerful shifts in your daily life.
Learn to experience Mantra Sadhana as a creative approach to strengthening your conscious relationship with the wisdom and blessings of each Planet.
Deepen your practical Jyotisha through propitiating the Planets from the heart with vibrational medicine for transformation at the subtlest levels of your being.

The combination of Mantra and Ayurveda allows individuals to access deep healing at both the physical and subtle levels.
Through the practice of Mantra, one can harness the power of sound vibrations to influence the Doshas, enhance digestion, boost immunity, improve sleep and promote emotional resilience in the face of adversity.
Learn how a personalized Mantra practice can support your current state of imbalance and higher nature.

An exceptional event of like-minded seekers coming together to celebrate the beauty of Mantra Sadhana and its ability to create positive shifts in the world.
Benefit from the transformational power of uplifting associations and live experiential Teachings.
Whether you are a seasoned Yogi or new to the practice of Mantra, open the doors to a greater confidence in your Mantra Sadhana, empowering you to embody your truest potential and live a more fulfilling life.
Study Mantra Yoga with Us from Anywhere!
Join us from anywhere around the world with our live-stream option to attend this event. All registrations (in-person or live-stream) include video recordings of all the classes along with bonus supporting articles and practices from Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi.
Watch at your convenience, review to deepen your study!

Is this an In-person or an Online event?
This is a live event. There are a limited number of spots to join us live in London, Ontario, Canada. Or you can join us via the live-stream option.
Will this program include Mantra Chanting?
Each day will begin with a practical class of Mantra Chanting, Pranayama and Meditation with Yogesh Van Acker to prepare you for the Teaching Sessions. This is not a kirtan program and each session with Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi will have limited Mantra practice.
Will there be Q&A with Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi?
Yes. This is a special opportunity to interact live with Dr. David Frawley and Yogini Shambhavi. There will be time to ask your questions at the end of each session. You can ask questions at each session about Mantra pronunciation.
Are the sessions recorded?
Yes! Each of the live sessions will be recorded and shared with all the participants. Both in-person and live-stream participants will receive a copy of the recordings.
Can I pay to attend only one session rather than the entire program?
No. This is a three day program of progressive teachings. Scholarship rates are available. Please contact Shankari Van Acker [email protected] to apply.
What are the closest airports? Are there buses available from the airport.
London, Ontario has a small airport. Toronto and Detroit airports are both international and approximately 3 hours away. Spirit Airlines has very cost-effective flights to Detroit. There is an excellent bus between London, Ontario and the Toronto or Detroit airport.
What are the best options for accommodations in London, Ontario.
As our studio is quite close to the international University, there are many Airbnb options available.
The Ivy Spencer Centre is close and on beautiful grounds. It is a 5-night minimum that weekend.
The studio address is 485 Grangeover Crescent, London, Ontario if you wish to search for nearby accommodations. Masonville Mall which is in the neighbourhood has many great options for food at a variety of price-points.
What currency is the registration fee?
The program is priced in Canadian dollars. Which affords a great saving for those used to USD.
What are the Payment and Cancellation Policies for this Program?
A $500+hst non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot with final payment due April 15th. Any additional payments (less the $500+hst deposit) are refundable with cancellation 30 days prior to program start date.
Do you have an additional question?
Contact us to connect.